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Receive at startup additional data through the Fieldbus Port
We do use a netPI RTE 3 with Node-Red to communicate with a machine with profinet.
Is there somehow a mechanism in place, where the machine could send me at startup some configuration information (ideal a json string)?
The Node-RED implementation of PROFINET sets the focus on cyclic IO data exchange only. So this is why there isn't a feature implemented like sending configuration data from a PLC to the netPI device.

On the other hand I agree that the PROFINET controller chip netX51 used in netPI is a full featured PROFINET capable chip that also can support receiving acyclic data from PLC. Using those functions can only be realized by yourself. In this case you are treated like a standard netX51 chip customer who usually integrates this chip in his own embedded PROFINET device. Programming the netX51 chip by yourself is show with a simple C coded test program in this container https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/ne...g-examples in accordance to the PROFINET netX51 API manual https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/ne...9%20EN.pdf. There is a lot to read and a lot to understand about PROFINET in general ... not even I am would be able to write such an application myself from scratch and would need Hilscher netX support for sure. Also you have to modiy your GSDML file pretty sure to enable acyclic communcations ... da da da.

Summay: if I were you I would pack simple configuration patterns directly into the cyclic IO data.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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