January-31st-2019, 02:02 PM
We currently using version, Portainer 1.19.2
Maybe i have to give you more detailled information
The registry is available at the address docker01.our_domain.local
I can ping docker01 or docker.our_domain.local from a container that is connected to the host network of the NetPi
I setup the custom registry in portainer with
name: docker01
url: docker01.our_domain.local (also tried docker01, https://docker01.....)
username: reg_user
password: regpassword
The result is always the same.
I also tried to do it with the REST API:
curl --insecure -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ...." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"user","password":"password","serveraddress":"https://docker01.our_domain.local"}' -X POST https://esta-netpi-01/portainer/api/endpoints/1/docker/auth
{"message":"Get https://docker01.our_domain.local/v2/: dial tcp: lookup atrdocker01.our_domain.local: no such host"}
When i use the ip address the result is of course:
{"message":"Get https://x.x.10.21/v2/: x509: cannot validate certificate for x.x.10.21 because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"}
Maybe i have to give you more detailled information
The registry is available at the address docker01.our_domain.local
I can ping docker01 or docker.our_domain.local from a container that is connected to the host network of the NetPi
I setup the custom registry in portainer with
name: docker01
url: docker01.our_domain.local (also tried docker01, https://docker01.....)
username: reg_user
password: regpassword
The result is always the same.
I also tried to do it with the REST API:
curl --insecure -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ...." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"user","password":"password","serveraddress":"https://docker01.our_domain.local"}' -X POST https://esta-netpi-01/portainer/api/endpoints/1/docker/auth
{"message":"Get https://docker01.our_domain.local/v2/: dial tcp: lookup atrdocker01.our_domain.local: no such host"}
When i use the ip address the result is of course:
{"message":"Get https://x.x.10.21/v2/: x509: cannot validate certificate for x.x.10.21 because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"}