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netFIELD Connect SW - remote management of connected PLC

As we get many enquiries for remote upload of PLC programs along with data communication over cloud .  Is it possible to do remote upload /download of siemens PLC or Rockwell PLC program connected to netfield gateway? is there any solution other than tosibox container?

I also see there is openVPN container which we can use . https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/netpi-openvpn

but I want to know, if by default VPN tunnel & router configuration is available on netfield connect ? is there any new FW update/release planned for this in coming days?

Thanks in advance

Hello Madhumti,

today netFIELD supports remote control of the netFIELD Connect gateway itself and remote access to its local web pages.

In a new version of netFIELD Cloud/netFIELD OS version that is about to be released soon also network tunneling function will be supported as well and will get an integral part of netFIELD.

With this new version you are able to establish a tunnel between a Windows PC and a single or mutliple remote IP adresses like an S7-PLC connected to netFIELD Connect gateway. So this function is a 100% Hilscher solution and a replacement for Tosibox. But of course using netFIELD technology in general a netFIELD subscription is needed and a monthy fee to allow its usage. As with Tosibox tunneling via netFIELD technology does not need any router configuration since the device itself takes control of/initiates outbound internet traffic and not the other way round as it is usual for VPN connections. So the main question remains: is your customer willing to pay money for netFIELD and sign a subscription?

But if you and your customer are looking for a 100% free solution then you have to stay with OpenVPN yourself and also execute router configuration for port forwarding. This all needs manual setup but is it for free. And also please consider you have no central management like with netFIELD or Tosibox in one place. Each remote place and its router needs to be configured manually and also the creation of multiple Router internet addresses.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

thanks Armin.
I would be waiting for complete solution from Hilscher for VPN over netfield.

Thanks & BR
You need to get in touch with netFIELD Software Product Manager who is in charge of all the netFIELD technology future plans and time lines. He is not a member of this forum by the way.

Me personally I am only responsible for the netPI and netFIELD Connect hardware devices and not of netFIELD software.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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