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netPI core wifi connection
Hello Armin,

we observe many problems regarding wifi access with  netPI.

today we are supporting to one of our customer , but netPI is not getting WLAN IP address automatically even after connecting to customer's  wifi network.
after 5-6 times , we tried connection, then it got IP address.

Is some restrictions there?

No Madhumati,

after meanwhile 5 years of netPI there are no know issues regarding Wifi in client mode. Does the customer's Wifi access point support DHCP server? 

My question is which type of WPA protection is the Wifi access point providing? See the differentt protection methods here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Protected_Access. WPA1, WPA2, WPA3?

How far is the distance between netPI and Wifi acccess point? 1m, 10m, 20m.

How about creating a temprary Wifi hotspot with a mobile phone instead just for testing? Does it also not receive an IP address using this hotspot?

My recommendation independent of the problem for industrial use case is anyway never to use DHCP server and automatic IP addressing. Just imagine the device gets broken and you have to replace the device in future. Then the new device cause of a different MAC will receive a different IP address from the Wifi Access point. If now your software running in netPI relates somehow to the IP address then the software will not work in the spare device. Whereas with a fixed IP address setting on Wifi and also on LAN both a copy of the software will run right away in the new device.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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