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Internet on the fieldbus-side
Hello Carsten,

I don't know if you have read my other post, but I see it also in your screen shot now. Your device is of type NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE. 

I thought indeed you have a NIOT-E-NPI51-EN-RE. This is the reason why the USB update does not work. The devices are different.

Since now it is clear which device you are using I can tell you that upgrading the OS version of your device from to a higher version is not necessary at all. Sorry for this confusion. An update is only necessary to devices of type NIOT-E-NPI51-EN-RE to V1.2.2.0.

So please remain with version V1.2.0.0 and continue to work.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Carsten,

since the firmware issue is now clear and "solved" ... let us return to your initial problem.

You have posted all screen shot of the settings of the container and netPI. But how about the settings of TOSIBOX. I have not seen any screen of these settings. Especially the routing is necessary to setup in TOSIBOX. Did you do that?

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Good morning Armin,

after trying to flash the wrong firmware, the docker was not willing to start. So I made a factory reset by flashing the right firmware.

After this i have first installed the netX-Network enabler according to your guide:

As second step, I followed your PowerPoint for the TOSILOCK for CONTAINER installation.
But this don't wants to read my activation. Complaining about no internet connection.
I have deleted the key before taking the screenshot. ;-)

This is now at TOSIBOX support for investigation. Anyway we can check, if my settings for routes and firewall are correct.

The route to the cifx-network is insterted in the TOSILOCK.

Also the firewall in the NIOT is configured.

CU here later,


... a little update: I have installed hilschernetpi/netpi-raspbian to test my MSVS remote debugging. And this container is able to communicate with the internet. I t was able to get updates from the www.


So the NIOT have internet and forward it to the DOCKER enviroment.
Hello Armin,

after a morning of try and error I have new conclusions.

The TOSIBOX container can not be avtivated when within it's own, bridged network,, GW

If I move the TOSIBOX container to the build-in bridged network, GW, I can activate the TOSIBOX.

In the TOSIBOX container a static route is added to the network at the cifx0 port
With the gateway or as needed

But I'm only able to access which is the host address of the cifx0 port. The device connected to the port is unreachable.

I have cross checked it with my other NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE with same Firmware-Version. Here I'm able to connect to the device via TOSIBOX.

Looking forward to your next ideas,
Well Carsten,

both your gateways use the same FW This is the only parameter Hilscher an any influence on when it comes to any system issues.

Right now I don't see any system issues but a misbehaviour of a Docker container. In this case this is responsibility of the container maintainer. So have you cross checked the TOSIBOX Docker container and its version if both devices are using the same version? Maybe it has changed also meanwhile. This is also a parameter Hilscher has any influence on.

If you say is the only interface you can reach ... what exactly does that mean? Can you ping this device for any other station that is in the same subnet as cifX0? So for example ping cifX0 address from your station

Also can you ping manually other devices that are connected to cifX0 and are in the same subnet? An easy test is to open a web console in the TOSIBOX container and call a command like ping and see if you can reach other devices? Have you tried this?

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Armin,

finally I was able to solf the problem. Forget about all the highly complicateed issues. The LANenabler simply does not work on the NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE in the latest version: 1.1.3.

After checking ALL parameters, this was the only difference between the two boxes. After changing to an previous version the cifx0 net comes online right after the Container was restarted with "hilschernetpi/netpi-netx-ethernet-lan:1.1.1"


Tested with a permanent ping from the device inside the cifx0 network to the cifx0 IP-Address.

In the follow-up, the installation and configuration of the TOSIBOX for Container was just typing work and is operating fine.

I hope, this info can help somebody not to fall into this pit.

And, maybe, you can determine, why this is so?

CU here later,

Thank you Carsten for finding out the root source of your problem. Incompatibility between 1.1.1 and 1.1.3 needs to be examined by myself.

Right now I have a simple question first: next to Docker your device of type ...TPI... also supports Node-RED and maybe you have recognized the Node-RED feature already. Have you activated this feature too in the control panel?

The reason why I am asking is that this Node-RED already includes the cifX0 enabler driver as far as I know. So there is no need to use the "LANenabler" container at all with ...TPI... Quite the contrary it is very bad to have Node-RED enabled while at the same time the "LANenabler" container is running at the same time. This is not allowed at all.

The cifX0 Node-RED feature has a big advantage. You as a user just have to activate Node-RED and the cifx0 is enabled immediately and then you just need to deploy TOSIBOX

The ...NPI... device does not include Node-RED by default. This type of device indeed needs the "LANenabler" container in all cases. So you see now the differences between the two devices.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Armin,

i don't use the Node-RED feature, because I programmend my own Mitsubishi communication and OPC UA Container. The only service I'm using is the DOCKER.

So, in my opinion, the netPI RTE 3 would be enough for my case. If, and that is very vital, it ha s an japanese RAdio certification.

Why have I programmed the OPC UA on my own? Because we want to standardise the values form the PLC before writing them into the OPC UA interface ad check the values from the Host computer before sending them to the PLC. Also we are making some costumized services inside the Container.

CU later here,

Hi Carsten,

yes this is correct ... for your simple use case indeed the netPI RTE 3 would be enough. Then you need the "LANenable" container and the "TOSIBOX" container both on netPI RTE 3 in any case.
Both device TPI and NPI have the Japanese certification by the way, since the hardware is 100% identical. See this post: https://forum.hilscher.com/thread-517.html

Tomorrow when I am back in the office I will check the LAN container in the latest version V1.1.3.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Carsten,

at a first glance just looking "offline" to all the changes made in the source code repo https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/ne...hernet-lan from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 and to 1.1.3 I have to admit that they are all really marginal. And the latest version 1.1.3 is from June 2020. This date is far away from your first post that relates to TOSIBOX in October 19th, 2020. So why have you specifically used the version 1.1.1 before in October when the container is 1.1.3 = latest is online since June?

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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