I am trying to receive and send boolean value to my test PLC with the fieldbus node. I was able to rec from the PLC without error. But i was unable to send to the PLC through the fieldbus output node. How can i test this?
Error message : OUT_NODE expects the property 'payload' as an object
August-14th-2019, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: March-30th-2020, 07:54 AM by Armin@netPI.)
Hi there,
the fieldbus nodes have a readme info text as any node under node-red has. Just click the node and click the "i" button to read it.
There you will find an example how to hand over data to the fieldbus.
msg.payload has to be a JSON object containing the property "value" holding the value(s) to be written to the signal specified
msg.payload.value = [9,8,7,6] will write a signal of type 'array' with 4 elements
msg.payload.value = 1 will write a discrete signal
msg.payload.value = "true" will also write a discrete signal of type bit
I have one remark. We can't see your screen shots. You have specifically press "add attachment" to append a screen shot to a post. Just selecting a file is not enough.
„You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)