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NetPi RTE update to Version
I tried it right in the morning and it worked with my netPI.


In my and your log the line "27408218 bytes read in xxxx ms (xxx)" is indication the same size at least but then you see that the hash value is veryfied ... this is failing on your side, while mineworks. In my eyes not something that has to do with the netPI device itself since the checking procedure runs in RAM memory independent of any hardware. Of course I exclude any RAM failures.

Can you please tell me the MAC address of your device. I just want to check how "old" your device is.

I have unvolved the development team now to ask for more details about the hash procedure.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Armin,

here are the MACs of the device causing the trouble.

eth0 B8:27:EB:47:1A:7A
cifx0 36:FF:95:9E:29:5F

CU later,

Hello Carsten,

the device with the MAC-ID B8:27:EB:47:1A:7A is not a netPI RTE 3 as expected.

Your device is a device we call "Connect" gateway named NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE. It is not a NIOT-E-NPI3-EN-RE. This is why the USB stick loaded with netPI RTE 3 software indicates an invalid hash value for Linux kernel image.

So first of all let us discuss which type of device you want to use? "Connect" gateway or "netPI RTE 3"?

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

(February-23rd-2021, 09:08 AM)Armin@netPI Wrote: Hello Carsten,

the device with the MAC-ID B8:27:EB:47:1A:7A is not a netPI RTE 3 as expected.

Your device is a device we call "Connect" gateway named NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE. It is not a NIOT-E-NPI3-EN-RE. This is why the USB stick loaded with netPI RTE 3 software has an invalid hash value for linux kernel image.

So first of all let us discuss which type of device you want to use? "Connect" gateway or "netPI RTE 3"?


Hello Armin,

may I say, that I'm confused now?

Both boxes look similar to me.
Hello Carsten,

yes this was indeed my fault. And sorry for this confusion.

Since you posted your thread in the "netPI" forum area ... I though you are using a netPI device, but you don't. You are using a NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE and not a NIOT-E-NPI3-51-EN-RE like I am doing.

Look this is how the label of a netPI RTE 3 looks like and the device I was am talking about all the time


You whereas are using a "Connect" NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE gateway that has quite more functions than a netPI RTE 3 like Node-RED for example, but both devices are supporting Docker and this is what you need for TOSIBOX. 

So don't be confused. You did nothing wrong. It is just Hilscher that is offering two different devices.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Armin,

wtf? Hilscher has build a Raspberry with additional Ethernet-ports looking the same as the ProfiNet-Gateway?

I know netPi Core model...

... and the ProfiNet Edge Gateway, that I'm talking about all the time.

The netPI RTE is new to me. 

Can I use the cifx-ports for MODBUS/TCP and 'normal' Ethernet-protocol?

CU here,

We have three products.

1. All the same device, but just loaded by the user with three different firmwares. Just because of how our homepage works, we have to list three device but all link to the same ordering number 


3. and this one you have. Here we list also two product because of our homepage and how a use can filter on the real-time ethernet protocols
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

The device "Connect" gateway you are using supports standard TCP/IP on cifX0 from scratch, So yes you can use the dual cifX0 ports as normal switched Ethernet ports. And yes your device includes Node-RED and in this Node-RED there is a node that supports Modbus/TCP master. So you can "play" Modbus TCP right away.

What I can tell you is that the data throughput of the TCP/IP cifx0 in general is that it is just 1/10 of a normal 100MBit port. This is because the CPU behind the Dual-Ethernet ports is a fieldbus chip and was not initially designed to be a TCP/IP supporting chip but a chip for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP etc. instead. So this is why the throughput is so little.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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