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HilscherAutomation / netPI-bluetooth entrypoint.sh error

I am using HilscherAutomation / netPI-bluetooth docker container on Raspberry Pi 3B+. After i build and run, i am getting the following error. 

starting dbus ...
* Starting system message bus dbus
/etc/init.d/entrypoint.sh: line 66: /opt/vc/bin/vcmailbox: No such file or directory
/etc/init.d/entrypoint.sh: line 68: /opt/vc/bin/vcmailbox: No such file or directory
Failed to write reset command
Can't initialize device: Success

Did anyone faced and resolved this issue? If so please help me to fix the error. 

Thanks in Advance,
Hi Baskar,

I don't know if it is of relevance, but I the referenced bluetooh container was made for RPi3B and compatibles not for RPi3B+ and compatibles.

A RPi3B uses a Broadcom BCM43438 Wifi/BT chip whereas a RPi3B+ uses a Cypress CYW43455. I am pretty sure that they will not use the same firmware that is loaded into the chip during the container start.

And I feel - without knowing it exactly - that the vcmallbox that is part of the docker image as well in the version 1.20180417 from here https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware will also fail.

I am sorry to say, but you have to write your own version of bluetooth container. This one will not work.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Thank you Armin for the reply. I will try to build the container on my own
To make your own container is not a big thing I think.

Just look at the original source code of the container and watch the build file located here https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/ne...Dockerfile and you will get an idea about how it is build.

The firmware for the RPi3B bluetooth chip is requested from here https://github.com/OpenELEC/misc-firmwar...3430A1.hcd. I think you will find a similar file for the RPi3B+ chip there as well.

The vcmailbox command is the one received from the pre-build binaries from the Raspberry.org sources from here https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware. It is used during container runtime to reset the bluetooth chip within a container physically. Else a container is not able to reload the firmware into the bluetooth chip once the container is restarted. But I don't know the command "vcmailbox [ ... ]" for a RPi3B+. Pretty sure it is different cause the reset pin may be a different one. The command line for the RPi3B is in the container's start script https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/ne...rypoint.sh.

The bluetooth stack itself used as basis is the very latest version V5.54. So this needs no change.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hi Armin,

Sorry to bother. One more question about the HilscherAutomation / netPI-bluetooth docker image. To run this image do i need Balena OS on Raspberry Pi 3? Or any linux distro is fine? Just wanted to confirm. 

Thanks in Advance,
Well, I have not tested it with balena OS. So I can't tell for sure. But the very basic principle of Docker containers - and this is their advantage - is to run on any Linux distribution. So would expect it runs fine there too.

I personally have tested it with Raspbian OS only and of course Hilscher's netPI device. Important is that it needs a Raspberry Pi 3B device. It will not run on a Rpi3B+ since this one has a different BT controller.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Thanks Armin !!!

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