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PROFINET IO startup compilation
I am a newbie with netX. I downloaded netX90_PNSV5_simpleConfig.zip file from Hilscher's website and after unzip, I imported into netX Studio CDT. 
After that, I want to build that project so Build>Build Solution try to build it.
I faced some errors in it. So, can you help to resolve it?
I attached a snapshot of my error.
Hi there,

this forum is for netPI and netHAT devices only. netX 90 customers are not supported here.

netx90 customers get direct support from hotline@hilscher.com.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Thanks Armin,
So for netX 90 I need to communicate in an email thread?
Is there a forum available for netX90?
No there is no forum for netX90.

This forum is reserved for other devices only.

Yes for netX90 support get in touch with Hilscher directly using hotline@hilscher.com.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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