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niot-e-npi3-51-en (RS485 <-> Industrial Ethernet)
1. Wir wollen den niot-e-npi3-51-en als RS485 <-> EtherCAT/ProfiNET/Ethernet-IP Konverter/Gateway nutzen.
Wir verwenden momentan HMS Anybus Gateways um RS485 Daten zu konvertieren. Master ist ein Roboter
oder eine übergeordnete SPS.
Wie kann ich z.B. PDOs auf dem Gerät anlegen, z.B. 16 Byte Eingang und 20 Bytes Ausgangsseitig?

2. Später soll ein OPC UA Server auf dem Gerät installiert werden (-> Docker?), der die RS485 Daten über Ethernet 
einem äußeren OPC UA Client lesend zur Verfügung stellt.  

3. Das Gerät hat nur einen RS-Port, entweder 232 ODER 485. Wie kann ich beide (RS232 und RS485) implementieren?

Google translator:
(1. We want to use the niot-e-npi3-51-en as RS485 <-> EtherCAT / ProfiNET / Ethernet-IP converter / gateway.
We currently use HMS Anybus gateways to convert RS485 data. Master is a robot
or a higher-level PLC.
How can I, for example, Create PDOs on the device, e.g. 16 bytes input and 20 bytes output?

2. Later, an OPC UA server is to be installed on the device (-> Docker?), Which transmits the RS485 data via Ethernet
an external OPC UA client reading provides.

3. The device has only one RS port, either 232 OR 485. How can I implement both (RS232 and RS485)?)
While netPI on one hand is a raspberry compatible system, on the other it is featuring a netX51 chip.
Under netPIs DockerHub repository you find many dockerized examples. One is for setting up and configuring netX51 chip as PROFINET, EtherrNetIP and in your case Ethercat slave here https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/n...-examples/ . The link shows you also a path the containers git hub source code. The repository explains you how you compile the example with different PDO sizes.
As for the netX1 we have also a container made for the RS232 and RS485 interfaces under the same netPI repository https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/netpi. Both examples are Node-RED based but in general mapped into a container as /dev/tty0 interface. Please be aware of that those modules use the Raspberr Mini UART chip that has some restrictions. Please have a look to these limitations if they fit to the serial protocol you want to implement. With RS485 interface you need to switch between transmitting and receiving using a GPIO pin

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

where can I find the folder "firmwares"
I need to set:
dpkg -i netx-docker-pi-ecs- for EtherCAT slave firmware
If you follow the link of dockerhub I gave to you, dockerhub automarically shows you a link to the github hosted source code normally. There you find everything like the firmware files.

Does it not offer this link? Maybe you need to be registered?
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

(April-12th-2019, 08:14 PM)Armin@netPI Wrote: If you follow the link of dockerhub I gave to you, dockerhub automarically shows you a link to the github hosted source code normally. There you find everything like the firmware files.

Does it not offer this link? Maybe you need to be registered?

I am already logged in with ssh
On the netpi. There i
Need to change folder
to "firmwares" according 
To the Instruction. 
But iam not so firm in Linux to do that
Maybe i need Superuser rights.
I am logged in with user Pi

Where can i find folder
CD ..
CD /???/firmwares
Whhat is ???
Well, using netPI and its  Docker technology need a set of basic knowledge of Linux and its base commands like changing to folders and editing files, remove files, list files etc.
For finding files in Linux you could use the command „find“ like „find -name ‘firmwares‘“ if you are in the root folder using „cd /“.
But I have a tip for you. The file that builds the netx programming example container is located here https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/ne...Dockerfile. With this file you see where all the files are copied to in the container.
Also I have one more tip. The dpkg command you mentioned above just installs the firmware to the right position in the Linux file system so that the driver finds it correctly. Only calling the driver afterwards with DevOpenDriver() will initialize netX with the firmware. This happens for example if you start just the precompiled ethercat example code.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

You mentioned in your first post to deploy an OPC UA server in a containerized version onto netPI in future.

Have you already made some decisions which OPC UA server it will be?

Just to let you know that we have made public two weeks ago a containerized reference implementation of the community driven open source OPC UA server stack maintained here https://open62541.org/

Our sample container comes with a very simple web GUI to upload an XML file with the OPC UA nodeset. It can be downloaded from here https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/n...cua-server

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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