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Is there a new version of netPI in planning?
Hi there!

We are using the netPI for a Dockerized application stack to retrieve and store data of a customer's production process.
Now we want to visualize the data with an Angular SPA that's running in Docker.
With this we are reaching the bounds of the netPI's hardware resources.

As the new Raspberry Pi 4 is out, I am wondering if there's a new version in planning that's based on the RasPi 4.

Do you have this on your agenda in the near future?
Hi there,

the Raspberry Organisation right now does not allow to let Farnell electronics who is the manufacturer of the custom Raspberry Pi PCBA board of netPI doing designs based in RPi4 circuits. Based on that information we cannot plan the design of a netPI 4.

You say you are coming to the limits of current netPI design. What in detail are your limits if I may ask. The CPU power?

What we have planned is a hardware design based on a different CPU other than RPi3/4 ... but since it seems you are just interested in a Docker platform the CPU type is of no interest normally for you.


You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Thanks for the quick answer!

We are running out of RAM as we have a nested Docker with several containers within a single container running on the Pi.

So the 1 GB of RAM will not be enough in our special case.
Well against the "RAM problem" we can't do anything indeed.

The new device in mind will have 2GB of RAM in the basic setup and can be expanded to 4GB. But the device will not be available before april 2021.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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