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Connecting Monitor to netPi

For the project i need to connect a monitor to the netPI and get a console screen on the Monitor. Currently as I understand from the entrypoint.sh the Monitor just outputs the output the boot process and hangs. Is there a way to get the console screen in the Monitor connected to netPI via HDMI

Best Regards,
Hello Paul,

this is only possible if netPI provides a graphical Desktop environment as you have propably done it at home using a Linux based PC controlled by mouse and keyboard.

There is a ready-to-use containerized HDMI application already developed. Just pull and run this container https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/hilsch...ktop-hdmi/ on your netPI, connect HDMI(before power on), mouse, keyboard to it and you have a basic desktop system up and running in 5 minutes.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hello Armin, 

Thanks for the reply!
Yes I came across it earlier and tried it out and it worked. BUT I was told just to stick to the console screen and no Desktop environment is necessary so I had to work back on to getting just a console screen in the Monitor. 
So from your answer, since it mentions the "only" way to get the console is to install and start X Window System, and that is not the case with Debian, is it because the root process is "waiting forever" in the entrypoint.sh?! 

Well Paul,

if netPI is loaded with netPI's OS by default the only possibility we provide is using a full featured desktop to move from outputting the default log file to a graphical user interface.

But if you analyse the github repository https://github.com/HilscherAutomation/netPI-teamviewer I have shown a different way using the HDMI. Instead of using xserver I used a tool named agetty that just outputs a console on HDMI. (So forget about the teamviewer thing that is shown in this example too.)

Here is the command that entrypoint.sh of this repo starts instead of xserver:

setsid agetty -a root tty1 linux &

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

It did worked after additionaly enabling the TTY in command and logging when adding the container

Thanks a lot for your help!


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