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NPIX devices availability
Hi. Any news about NPIX modules availability? We're looking forward some custom designs around NPIX specifications, but would like to evaluate actual firmware/drivers integration impact on a "typical" Industrial IoT solution. Thanks.
Well we have manufactured a small pilot run of 20 pcs NPIX-RS232 and NPIX-RS485. They will be provided on our web shop at https://www.netiot.shop/ end of this month.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hi Armin.

Concerning NPIX modules:

- When will RS232 expansion board be actually available? We'd like to use a microcontroller-based board to collect many "raw" field signals and it would be a great way to connect it to netPi. Waiting for RS-232 NPIX, at this time we are using a FTDI USB/Serial bridge, but such solution is not very...clean Smile

- Looking at marketing material, it seems that a CAN NPIX will be developed. Is there any time frame for that?

I saw the first series released batch of RS232 modules this morning and they have no longer pilot run state. We had a delay concerning the PCBA. Fortunately this is solved now. I expect the shipment to Amazon.de in 2 weeks from now on.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

We about to release the first set of NPIX modules first quarter 2018. NPIX modules extend standard netPI devices with advanced networking capabilities. This covers the following modules:


and for evaluation purposes the NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA.

Find appended the devices' manual

UPDATE: the newest manual can be found in the download section at https://www.netIOT.com/netpi
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


I am sorry if my question is not entirely related to the discussion but I would like to know if docker container for node-red GPIO modules is available for NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA ?
I tried to search and I found for other extensions but not for NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA.
Hello Eyad,

it doesn't matter if you control GPIOs of DI/DO module NIOT-E-NPIX-4DI4O module or NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA. It is the same thing. With EVA you have the advantage that all pins are available free to use. With 4DI4DO the are phsically coming with input and output bus drivers.

Look to the Docker Container we provide: https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/n...d-npix-io/. Go further to source code here https://github.com/Hilscher/netPI-nodere...ib-npix-io.

You can see that is is using the offical rpi-gio node.js library provided on the web here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rpi-gpio

So with our source code you can compile your own node-red GPIO Docker container for you privat EVA board setup.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Dear Mr. Armin,
thank you for your answer.
I tried to run the container, and I saw the HTML and JS source files you mentioned.
in NodeRed I am getting the error of ''overload/heat'' error whenever I tried to check the GPIO Pins and I found the below:

label: function() {
var na = "";
if (this.out === "15") { na = "dio out0"; }
if (this.out === "16") { na = "dio out1"; }
if (this.out === "22") { na = "dio out2"; }
if (this.out === "37") { na = "dio out3"; }
return this.name||na;

is 16 means GPIO 16 or does it mean a HAT pin, the former attachement to RaPi, because in the .js file I found the below
// setup GPIO 27 (HAT pin 13) to input to get module overload/heat status
which got me confused regarding the meaning of the outputs mentioned in the code.
Dear Eyad,

the source code and the container will of course run fine when using a real NIOT-E-NPIX-4DIDO module physically in your netPI.

At the current time you have no NIOT-E-NPIX-4DI4DO module in use ... so because of the missing module the software will not run 100% correct.

The NPIX-E-NPIX-4DI4DO module has 4 digital inputs and also 4 digitcal outputs. They connect to pins 15,16,22,37 for outputs and 7,8,10,11 for inputs. But additionally it supports another "internal" input pin which signals overload error coming from the bus driver chip In the module design we deliver this status information to pin 13.

Now since you have no physical module inserted the pin 13 will float and give back bad status to the node-red node. Also this problem will occur if you are using the NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA board if pin 13 is not connected. You can change the source code of the sample code yourself to fit your physical pins (the pins you want to be outputs and the pins you want to inputs) on the NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA. Then restart the container and the node-red node will show your inputs from EVA board or you can set outputs on EVA boards.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

I think there is a confusion between the physical pins of the Raspbery CPU BCM283x and the same pins we placed on the NIOT-E-NPIX-EVA (there is a 1:1 relation) and how the pins are treated by the used software "rpi-gio library". It is numbering the pins differently.

First watch the GPIO pins of the CPU here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/app/uploads/...herals.pdf on page 102.

Then watch the pinout of the HAT connector from pin 1 to pin 40: https://pinout.xyz/#

The node.js software we use treats the pins in accordance with the HAT pinout not in accordanc with the CPU manual. So supposing your want to address the physical pin GPIO23 of the Raspberry CPU the software uses the HAT adressing scheme which is pin no. 16 on the HAT.

I think this makes the thing now clear to you.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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