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What is needed to be a PROFINET slave (RTE3)
How much work is needed to use/access ProfiNet (as Device) with netPI RTE3 ?
Do i have to buy a software stack for profiNet ? For usage within a docker image? Or is it part of System software?
The ProfiNet certification process for this device with application is still required, right?

So: what are needed todos and steps by a developer to use netPI RTE3 as ProfiNet device?
Hello Kohlann,

we are providing all real-time ethernet protocols as a binary code that is loaded into netPIs industrial network controller netX. There is no need to buy any stack from us. We offer the binaries for Profinet, Ethernet/IP and EtherCAT as device/slave.

As a newbe I recommend to look to some of our youtube videos here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...5JJYUvk9fD

We are providing a lot of examples Docker containers here: https://hub.docker.com/u/hilschernetpi/

If you click in detail to this Docker Container here https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/n...-examples/ you find a Docker image coming with 3 programming examples to get netX chip operative as Profinet/EtherNet/IP/EtherCat device/slave along with GSDML files / EDS files and also API documentation of all three protocols. As usual with Docker hub images the link forwards you also to the GitHub source code of the container. With this example you can get easily your own container up and running.

And yes we have not made any certifications with netPI since not we sell it as the final product, but the end user along with his application.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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