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Customising landing page
we are developing a web application to control a special machine device via modbus on the netpi.
Our customer likes to see it's own Web Interface when he calls the netpi's ip in the browser.
Is there a possibility to change the default port of the netPi landing page or redirect the landing page to our
customers web page exposed by an application running in a docker container.
Another possibility would be a special customer tile on the landing page of the netPI.

Best regards
Hi Reinhold,
This topic has been asked by other customers too. And we agreed that this function is needed and brings customer application to the foreground instead if exisiting web-gui.
Since netPI uses nginx in reverse proxy mode it seemed at a first glance just to spend netPI's web GUI another page where you can configure alternative ports for 80 and 443. We tried that ... but it is not that easy. There are dependencies next to nginx component in the netPI's software that rely on port 80 and port 443 in use. Until we have not found out all other components depending on those ports and changed to the alternative ports configured by a user in future we cannot provide a solution yet. Solution is scheduled for october.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

This issue has been solved meanwhile in system software versions >=1.2.x.x already.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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