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Edge cannot enter manager portal after firmware upgrading
Dear Hilscher Service Team,
   Recently we upgraded the firmware of Netpi3 Edge<NIOT-E-NPI3-51-EN-RE> from V1.2.0.0 to V1.2.2.0 by usb sticker recovery, I downloaded and followed the guideline in Hilscher official website, the firmware upgraded successfully and it could start the system automatically, but the data lost after recovery. Then I tried to enter <Edge Gateway Manager> webpage to reconfigure the edge by default access: https://NTB827EBFBC735 but failed to enter.
  Could you forward this ticket to Hilscher technical support I can reach out directly? Thank you.
Hi there,

the device you bought is a community maintained and supported device. The support goes through this forum.

My first question is a basic question. Why was it necessary that you updated the software from to at all? Or was it just because you want to have the latest software running in your netPI?

Then as next ... the default access https://NT... is not the only possibility to reach the device. Usually the device gets also an IP address when connected to a DHCP supported network. So my second question is are you sure the network you are connecting the netPI device to has a DHCP server running?

Third question. Are you sure that you have connected the DHCP maintained network to the single Ethernet port of the device and NOT to the industrial dual-ethernet port?

Fourth question. netPI device has LEDs to the front. There is one most important LED that is called ACT. Does it show any activity at all? Usually it is flashing acyclically or like a bumping heart. It shows if netPI OS is running and active

Fifth question. netPI has a HDMI port. On this HDMI port you can watch the log output of the boot sequence of the device. So if you connect a monitor to it you can make a screen shot after it is finished booting and send it as appendix to this post. Then we can see how far the device is booting.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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