August-8th-2019, 07:52 AM
Dear community,
I encounter problems pairing BLE devices with the NetPi using the current Bluetooth Docker image ( As BLE device I'm using a Bosch XDK (Bluetooth 4.2/BLE) with BLE tutorial example. No security ("Just Works") is used for pairing. Other BT 4.2 or 5.0 device I tried had the same issues.
Here's what I did:
"hcitool device" shows that the BT RF device is available ("hci0 B8:27:EB:A4:D7:88")
"dmesg" shows no errors or warnings, Bluetooth configuration looks fine
In "bluetoothctl"
- default agent is on, BT device is on
- "list" correctly shows the BT RF device ("Controller B8:27:EB:A4:D7:88 BlueZ 5.50 [default]")
- "scan on" correctly lists all available BT devices around, also the Bosch XDK ("Device FC:D6:BD:10:27:10")
- I trust the device: "trust FC:D6:BD:10:27:10"
- "pair FC:D6:BD:10:27:10" at first seems to work: "[CHG] Device FC:D6:BD:10:27:10 Connected: yes", the device's services and characteristics are displayed.
- But after seconds, the device is disconnected: "Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled"
"dmesg" now shows error "Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available"
The same device pairs, connects and runs nicely with iOS or Android phones using free BLE tools as "LightBlue".
Happy to read your ideas!
I encounter problems pairing BLE devices with the NetPi using the current Bluetooth Docker image ( As BLE device I'm using a Bosch XDK (Bluetooth 4.2/BLE) with BLE tutorial example. No security ("Just Works") is used for pairing. Other BT 4.2 or 5.0 device I tried had the same issues.
Here's what I did:
"hcitool device" shows that the BT RF device is available ("hci0 B8:27:EB:A4:D7:88")
"dmesg" shows no errors or warnings, Bluetooth configuration looks fine
In "bluetoothctl"
- default agent is on, BT device is on
- "list" correctly shows the BT RF device ("Controller B8:27:EB:A4:D7:88 BlueZ 5.50 [default]")
- "scan on" correctly lists all available BT devices around, also the Bosch XDK ("Device FC:D6:BD:10:27:10")
- I trust the device: "trust FC:D6:BD:10:27:10"
- "pair FC:D6:BD:10:27:10" at first seems to work: "[CHG] Device FC:D6:BD:10:27:10 Connected: yes", the device's services and characteristics are displayed.
- But after seconds, the device is disconnected: "Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled"
"dmesg" now shows error "Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available"
The same device pairs, connects and runs nicely with iOS or Android phones using free BLE tools as "LightBlue".
Happy to read your ideas!