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[SOLVED] Slow network connection
Hey everyone,

I was setting up a mariadb-server on my netPi (knowing that the sd-card is not made for long-term/high-traffic database use). When I created the database and imported data, the connection felt quite slow.

So I made a comparisment with a standard raspberry pi and the netPi, using the same docker image and mysql-script. On my raspberry Pi, the data-import took ~1 minute, on the netPi between 15~18 minutes. I was using the following setup:

Image: linuxserver/mariadb:arm32v7-latest
netPi: NIOT-E-NPI3-EN version
Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Database-Client: HeidiSQL/Workbench to import a .sql-script

I already had the feeling before that it didn't work as fast as on a standard raspbi, but never tested it.
Is this a bug, or is it a system-dependent issue?

Best Regards,
Hello Andi,

the speed depends indeed on the SD card used. The SD cards used today on netPI is of type Xmore industrial SD card with part number SDU008GXASMM-001E. This card is using a flash controller that is now about 3-4 years old. Flash controller of today's SD cards on the market are much faster. Also I heard that meanwhile there are faster cards available from Xmore as well. (So it is not a slow network connected as you initially assumed).

Fact is that the Raspberry's SD card interface is a well-known bottle neck. So changing an SD card can speed up Raspberries/netPIs processing time tremendously. Also we have recognized this bottle neck and will be switching to SANDISK 8GB industrial SD card with part number SDSDQAF3-008G-I in the next production batch of netPI. We have finished all our tests with this card and can confirm it works as good as the Xmore type but a lot faster.

So back to the timing issue you have detected I can just recommend not to buy a standard netPI we offer on Amazon.de or Hilscher Web Shop, but a netPI in the Revision #2 from Hilscher directly. This Revision #2 netPI does not have a sealed SD card anymore. So you can replace it with your own SD card. You will see then that netPI will be performing as good as your Raspberry (3B).

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hey Armin,

thanks for the quick reply.

Fact is that the Raspberry's SD card interface is a well-known bottle neck. So changing an SD card can speed up Raspberries/netPIs processing time tremendously. Also we have recognized this bottle neck and will be switching to SANDISK 8GB industrial SD card with part number SDSDQAF3-008G-I in the next production batch of netPI. We have finished all our tests with this card and can confirm it works as good as the Xmore type but a lot faster.

Do you know ~ when it will be released and how much faster it should be? 

So back to the timing issue you have detected I can just recommend not to buy a standard netPI we offer on Amazon.de or Hilscher Web Shop, but a netPI in the Revision #2 from Hilscher directly. This Revision #2 netPI does not have a sealed SD card anymore. So you can replace it with your own SD card. You will see then that netPI will be performing as good as your Raspberry (3B).

Are you reffering to this post, or are you planning to only having unsealed sd-cards in the future?


Would it be possible to somehow install your software onto another (own) sd-card? Because I like the "security-spirit" of your software and would not really wan't to miss it.

To explain my thoughts:
I was guessing the network (or related) for being the cause for the reduced speed, because I managed to break the NginX-Server once or twice with having too many database-requests at a time. So I guessed the following traffic-route: "Network-NginX-DockerBridge-MaridDBServer-DockerBridge-NginX-Network" which might have been a bottleneck? Please correct me when I'm wrong.
Unfortunately, the NginX-Server doesn't restart itself again, so I had to replug the netPI for getting it working again, but this is another issue/feature-request I guess.

Thanks and BR,
Hello Andi,


the post you are referring to is for those customer who want to buy netPI in higher quantities, but not in single pieces. And those units come with no SD card at all. So you have no choice to use our software since you have to take your own SD card in any case.

Quote:Aare you planning to only having unsealed sd-cards in the future?

The decision has been made already that we produce netPI's with unsealed SD cards only in future. The units you know since 1 1/2 years with sealed SD cards will be no more. Those units in stock on Amazon and Hilscher Web-Shop will be sold of course first, since they work fine. But if you buy on Amazon and Web-Shop you will never know which unit you get. This is why today you have to order netPI REV#2 from Hilscher to make sure you have a version with unsealed SD card.

Quote:Would it be possible to somehow install your software onto another (own) sd-card?

I have the idea to offer to anybody the source code of our YOCTO build receipt to have the possibility to re-generate an own OS image for netPI as we build it ourselves. But this is a long way to that point and I don't want to promise too much. Also each netPI's SD card image is bound to the netPI and its MAC address it was initially running on. And we have a server where each produced netPI is writing its credentials to during production time ... and such a server would also be needed somehow on customer side. And I think you have recognized that the image boots pseudo-secure and each package you want to install on the YOCTO Linux needs to be signed ... so you need it is not so easy.

So the answer today is that nobody has a chance to create a Hilscher image for his netPI. If you have an unsealed SD card from Hilscher (REV#2) with our image on, make sure you make a copy before you try to make any changes ... all 4 paritions that are on the card.

Quote:...which might have been a bottleneck?

No neither Nginx nor the traffic route has any influence on the speed, it is the SD card. So you need an unsealed netPI.

Quote:Do you know ~ when it will be released and how much faster it should be?

The relase date cannot be predicted, but next production slot is scheduled in 2-3 month. But then remember that old units are still in stock. The speed of the SANDISK card will be 2-3 times faster.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Hey Armin,

thanks a lot for the really deep and honest insight.

Did I get it right that the unsealed sd-card is already "in production"? So I could order a netPi Revision#2 now and get it soon? Or is this feature coming with the new sd-card in ~2-3 months?

I could than take an image-tool like win32-disk-imager, make a "backup" of the contained sd-card and write this to another sd-card and have the same functionality as before?

Hello Andi,

REV#2 is available in stock.

And yes you can use an imager tool to make a 1:1 copy of the existing SD card to have a safe backup for future use. The netPI image is not bound to the SD card's serial number (to BCM CPU only), so a copy will work right away.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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