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Proxy Settings
We want to use the netPI in a network that uses proxy to connect to the internet.
Unfortunately I can't see any options where I can set the proxy settings.
Is there any way to setup the proxy connection?

Kind regards
Hello Julian,

the current netPI's web GUI does not offer any general proxy settings.

But please explain me a little closer what your application exactly is.

I know the proxy function normally under conditions where a routing of HTTPS, HTTP or FTP services across a proxy is necessary. Is this the same idea you have in mind?

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Yes, that's pretty much what we want to do in our company network.

Well then this can be a solution for you: https://docs.docker.com/network/proxy/

Since netPI applications are coming all containerized you can hand over the parameters HTTP(S)_PROXY as enviroment variables to a container. Then applications like a web browser in a container use this proxy path to get connection to the destination device.

I don't know a working proxy server on the internet ... maybe you know one ... and I can try if this proxy mechanism works.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

The problem is that we can't pull images from DockerHub without proxy settings. 
So the only way to deploy a container is to upload it manually from 'remote access'.
And I think that isn't the best solution, especially if you want to update the containers regularly.

We need the ability to establish the proxy connection within the netPI environment and not within the container.

Hello Julian,

got your problem. Right now there is no possibility for you to configure any proxy server settings to pull images over proxies like described here: https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/sy...ttps-proxy

There are no possibilities to reconfigure those environment variables on the Linux host right now for you. I gonna discuss this topic in the next developer meeting and ask for an implementation. Right now I don't see a solution within the next months.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


is there any development on this subject? It was already mentioned in this thread as well: https://forum.hilscher.com/Thread-Proxy-...ight=proxy

We have exactly the same issue. It seems that the only solution for this is installing an generic operating system (thus losing all security measures taken by Hilscher) or changing to a less secure network (not applicable in production).
Is there a reason that this is so complicated to implement?

Another consideration would be if the SSH access we get with hilschernetpi/netpi-bluetooth would enable us to use linux commands to set the proxy in the system? Or his this SSH access only to a restricted environment?

Hello Harry,

indeed we have been working on the proxy function to integrate it in the netPIs control panel. I have already have seen a beta software running. The test of the overall software package is currently ongoing and the software team scheduled a release for end of march 2020.

Using SSH is not possible at all with netPI. netPI's OS in combination with Docker is limiting this access to any Linux host environment. The SSH in a container like the bluetooth container you are referencing allows SSH accesses in the container only, not in the host.

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

I understand that the proxy function is still in development and that a release is planned for the end of March. Can you please explain why SSH is not possible with netPI? You mentioned that it is limited due to the OS and Docker, but can you provide more detail on this? Also, you mentioned that the SSH in a container allows access in the container only - does this mean that it is not possible to access the host? I really appreciate your help. Meanwhile, I found a solution for proxy connections. I started to use the servers from https://shiftproxy.io, which are pretty easy. Hope it will help someone here. Smile
From the beginning of netPI development in the year 2016 the security demand of the netPI OS as core software was set to the maximum level. So the decision was not to implement the SSH service into the netPI OS. Also what you must know is even if the device would offer you an SSH service you have no chance to change anything in the OS since there are no commands available such as "apt" or "sudo". It's a proprietary Hilscher OS only.

If you want to have a more open OS, you can easily remove the SD card from the device and insert an SD card loaded with Raspbian OS if you want to use it instead. Then you have an SSH available from the beginning.

The development of the netPI OS is freezed. There are no further developments for this device in planning

You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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