January-11th-2018, 07:33 AM
In case you address your netPI with its hostname like https://NTB827EB237AC1 instead of its IP address then opening the Docker Web-GUI fails on a mouse click.
Internet Explorer 11 interprets a hostname base address as an "Intranet" address and automatically switches on the compatibility view by any reason we don't know. This leads to a script error in Docker Web-GUI and stop processing the web site.
Make sure you disable the Internet Compatibility View checkbox and everything runs as it should.
Internet Explorer 11 interprets a hostname base address as an "Intranet" address and automatically switches on the compatibility view by any reason we don't know. This leads to a script error in Docker Web-GUI and stop processing the web site.
Make sure you disable the Internet Compatibility View checkbox and everything runs as it should.
„You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)