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Activate Projects Feature in NodeRed

I currently have a container running made from the image hilschernetpi/netpi-nodered-fieldbus:latest. It has node-red installed and I can perfectly access it. On the other hand, I know that there is a feature in node-red to create projects and one just have to modify the node-red settings file.

So my question is, is there any way I could access that file and modify it in a node-red within netPI?

Thank you in advance.
Regards, Alex
Hello Alex,

I know this feature of node-red you are speaking about and also if you follow this topic here https://nodered.org/docs/user-guide/projects/ you have to edit the settings.js file.

There are two ways:

1.) You make your own container were you add the edits into the settings.js yourself and then use your own container instead of our example container or
2.) You are using the fieldbus container from us like it comes and click to the container's Name in the container overview list and then >_Console and a web console will instantly open. This console jumps into the container and you can call commands in the container. Install a editor like nano with apt-get update and apt-get install nano and then edit the settings file nano /root/.node-red/settings.js.
You never fail until you stop trying.“, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


Thank you very much. I appreciate the help


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