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Can a netPI RTE 3 be turned into a netFIELD Connect - Printable Version

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Can a netPI RTE 3 be turned into a netFIELD Connect - Armin@netPI - December-23rd-2020

In short: even if netPI RTE 3 and netFIELD Connect devices are the same hardware their system software cannot be exchanged in between. So you cannot upgrade your netPI to be a netFIELD Connect.

The reason is the security enhanced boot feature of netPI's and netFIELD Connect OS. Their basis builds a signed Linux kernel that is digitally signed with signing keys that are different for each device model and per device serial number. On each power cycle the signature is checked or when system software is updated.

So you have to place a different order for each devices model:

  1. netPI RTE 3 - order NIOT-E-NPI3-51-EN-RE
  2. netFIELD Connect - order NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE/NFLD
Here are by the way again the differences between both devices

Main brand                | netPI                          | netFIELD
Device brand name         | netPI RTE 3                    | netFIELD Connect
Device ordering code      | NIOT-E-NPI3-51-EN-RE           | NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE/NFLD
Software generation       | V1                             | V2
Software status           | Feature freeze, patches only   | Continual improvements/updates
OS kernel                 | Linux 4.9.x                    | Linux 4.19.x
Security enhanced OS      | Yes                            | Yes
Hilscher signed Linux     | Yes                            | Yes
Real-Time kernel patch    | Yes                            | Yes
SSH access                | No                             | Yes
Root rights               | No                             | Yes, with sudo
Host file system access   | No                             | Yes
Industrial protocols      | PROFINET,EtherNet/IP,EtherCAT  | PROFINET,EtherNet/IP,EtherCAT
Local management web UI   | Hilscher development/design    | Open Source "cockpit" project
Software white labeling   | No                             | Yes
SD card memory size       | 8GByte, type MLC, 384 TBW      | 8GByte, type MLC, 384 TBW
Usable SD card space      | 6.3GB                          | 3.3GB (+3GB backup reserve)
Docker support            | Yes                            | Yes
Docker version            | 18.xx.xx,restricted            | 19.xx.xx, unrestricted
Docker instances          | 1                              | 2, 1x local/1x remote mngabl.
Docker local mgmt.        | Portainer web UI               | Linux console / cockpit UI
Public container repo     | "hilschernetpi" hub.docker.com | "hilschernetpi" hub.docker.com
Remote management         | No                             | Optional, via www.netfield.io portal
Portal subscription       | No                             | Portal usage per device/month
Docker remote administr.  | No                             | via portal
SaaS container ecosystem  | No                             | via portal and app/container store
Fleet software deployment | No                             | via portal
Remote access to local UI | No                             | via portal
Remote software update    | No                             | via portal
Data distribution service | No                             | via portal, RESTful API